7 Year Cycles

Many educational and spiritual modalities are based on cycles of seven, and I am always open to new paths of reflectiona cyclical view, rather than a linear view, is comforting.

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Tia Dye
I Could Do That vs I Am Doing That

Life is a crazy roller coaster of priorities, and I finally hit a point where prioritizing my creativity became a force I couldn’t ignore. Even the fear of vulnerability couldn’t stop me. And once I took my first classes, I kept just gaining momentum.

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23 February: Progress Not Perfection

Progress, not perfection. This is true in both artistic practice and culture. That is life and art. Thoughts on The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed.

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The Sunday Sunshine - Carrie Brummer

As an artist, Carrie Brummer explores the line between fine art and craft by investing her time and skill, and by embellishing with gold leaf. As a mentor, Carrie has been a part of the Sunday Sunshine from the start.

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The Sunday Sunshine - Troy Wright Photography

In this new series, The Sunday Sunshine, I am featuring other artists throughout 2021. This week I am sharing a glimpse of where I grew up through stunning photography by Troy Wright.

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