Something New
This past year, many people have invested in my art. I am beyond grateful. By investing in my art, they have invested in me by allowing me to invest in myself. It is difficult to explain, and I hope, through a new journal series featuring the perspectives of other artists, it becomes more clear.
Welcome to a new series of Artist's Journal entries, The Sunday Sunshine. I am featuring other artists on Sundays throughout 2021. You can find the dates for current & upcoming giveaways by clicking on EVENTS.
Anne Villano - Art Therapy for Military Communities.
Update: Click HERE to go to Anne’s feature.
Anne Villano
Cathleen nardi
Cathleen Nardi - Quiloha. Handmade quilts that fold into pillows.
Update: Click HERE to go to Cathleen’s feature.
You will hear from the artists themselves, and hopefully gain a better understanding of what it means to invest in, not just artwork, but artists. I ask these artists challenging questions that reflect my own journey. You might not connect with every artist, but you might fall in love with one or two.
Troy Wright - Wild Mustang Photography
Update: Click HERE to go to Troy’s feature.
Troy Wright
Laura Nishiyori
Laura Nishiyori - Crochet Fiber Artist
Update: Click HERE to go to Laura’s feature.
Deborah Cherrin is a collage artist here in Ann Arbor.
Update: Click HERE to go to Deborah’s feature.
Let's be honest, artwork is an investment. It is an investment to choose original artwork over mass-produced, trend-based, decor items. Creating artwork is also an investment for the artist. Not only a financial investment for materials but an investment in time and in an artist’s whole being. When you invest in an artist, you are investing in a reflection of our culture and our communities.
My recent growth as an artist has been overwhelmingly supported by other artists, and I want to return the favor, and I know that you will enjoy hearing from these dedicated artists.
I’m excited! Happy New Year!
Tia Sunshine
This series is inspired by the Artists Sunday campaign that started last year. While I am not a huge fan of specific shopping days, I am a fan of encouraging individuals to buy from artists. This series is my way of participating in the spirit of the movement.
Artists Sunday is "a nationwide art-shopping movement with more than 4,300 members. Participants include 500+ local communities, including arts agencies, cities, counties, state agencies, chambers of commerce, and organizations and 3,800+ individual artists." Their mission is "to encourage consumers to shop with their favorite local artists and craftsmen during the holiday season. Artists Sunday takes place the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Think of it like Black Friday or Small Business Saturday but for the arts. New members are joining daily."
Special thanks to Jose Skinner and Carrie Brummer for help editing!
Look for their features in the coming months. Click HERE for Cari’s feature.