A Blooming Success!

An Artist’s Journal: 1 May 2020

I have EXCITING NEWS! I opened an email last night that left me speechless. I had to wait until today to make an announcement. My painting, Blooming, was awarded first place by juror Edward Kennedy in the Ann Arbor Women Artists' 2020 Spring Juried Exhibition.

I am honored and shocked. There are so many wonderful works of art in the exhibition, which you can view HERE.

The exhibition was scheduled to hang at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Ann Arbor from late March through April. But, social distancing forced the cancellation of the in-person exhibit. I had no idea that when I opened the gallery link Blooming would be the featured image.

When I moved to Ann Arbor in 2018, I didn't know anything about being an artist, but it was something I wanted to try. Since then I have spent a lot of time learning, practicing, learning more, and participating in art communities. This win motivates me to do even more of the same.

It is hard to step out of my comfort zone, but without action, I wouldn't be celebrating. Artists are wonderful people, and I am appreciative of their valuable support. I recently decided to start my own online art group to share the encouragement. The mission of this group is to remind friends that it is never to late to creatively reinvent yourself. Learn something new and have fun!

Join our Facebook group to learn with me and others.

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