Creative Growth with Bullet Journaling - Part II
An Artist’s Journal: 28 May 2020
In order to be creative, you need to make time. It is difficult to be creative when ideas and everyday tasks become an overwhelming mess. Having a system of prioritizing tasks and saving ideas is important. You can read about setting up an adaptive bujo in Part I, HERE.
I am not a perfect example of having a system. I get close, sometimes, but I get distracted. That is okay. Sometimes I don’t need my system. But when I do need it, it is there waiting for me. And, when I look back at my bullet journal, there are so many inspiring artistic tidbits.
Here are some of the artistic elements in my BuJo:
When I come across a quote or a poem, into the bujo it goes.
Other people’s words are inspiring to me. Maybe you are a poet - all the more reason to carry a journal. I collect words that say susinctly what I feel. Maybe someday, looking back through my journal, these inspiring words will speak an image to me.
sketching out ideas before picking up a paintbrush is valuable.
Give your ideas room to grow by sketching out different compositions. They don’t have to look good, but sketches can take a good idea to a great idea.
Your life is full of thoughts!
You know you have strong feelings about life and what is going on in the world. Incorporate your beliefs and thoughts into your creative work. If you write it down, doodle, sketch while you think… you won’t have to force thematic elements into your art. They will naturally develop.
out and about with kids? Offer a page in your journal.
I’m not against electronics, but SOME of the time there has to be other options. When you offer a page or two of your journal to a child it is very special to them. Even if they do not want to draw, they will be intrigued seeing your journal or watching you work in it. Trust me, try it. It is often magical.
if it is personal to you, it will add to your creative impact.
Our lives and our memories are unique. If you are looking for ‘your style’ you need to start with YOU. What do you appreciate? How do you priortize your time? What is meaningful and personal in your life? It is too easy to take the little things for granted. Try making note of them.
I flip back through my BuJo’s often. Sometimes looking for a bit of info, but sometimes looking for inspiration. I don’t always use it. It isn’t something to get ‘right’ or maintain. It is something to consider and have available.
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Today’s Resources 2020:
Bullet Journal - Learning - Official Bullet Journal System